Psyched :) I'll try to get you a more direct sampling of voices for the available roles.
I draw stuff, also work part time creating a perpetual motion machine.
Animator/Cosmonau t
Joined on 1/30/09
Psyched :) I'll try to get you a more direct sampling of voices for the available roles.
Totally going to give this a shot, I hope the deadline isn't too close.
There's no deadline as of this moment.
Been looking forward to this. Be expecting a demo from me
Did you have enough people who applied or I can still try maybe?
You can try of course. There is no deadline as of yet and I'm gonna give people time to get their demos to me, no rush :D
Will Kay Challis be coming back? Her cameo read in Faux 5 was very notable....
yes :D
No deadline? Sweet, then I'll be giving this a shot tomorrow. :)
Still open?
yes. And it'll likely be open for a while.
I'd like to try for Braun. Should I upload a demo onto the audio portal? What kind of lines should I be saying?
A demo is good. Be sure to email me the link afterwards. The lines aren't important, just showcase your acting and stuff.