Looking into a way to at some point animate FAUX, i've been doing some tests. the two caveats being.
1. not straying to far away from the style.
2. being able to actually create animation of good quality within a reasonable time frame.
Here's a link to a test animation I did today. It's simple, but the idea was creating a character build that could easily be altered and manipulated.
http://fauxplog.blogspot.com/2011/06/f oolin-around.html
You seem to already know the trix that lesson the work with out making it look like a cop out. My humble advice :P Because I would love to see this succeed
Make the illusion in the planning and story boarding. As in ...lighten your load by choosing angles and methods that show movement. ...and only use time consuming animation on scenes that really call for it. ...like a Saturday morning anime.
Hey, your art wouldn't happen to be partly inspired by Alessandro Barbucci would it?
Hey, ya still working on a good system, I was worried it looking too much like flash animation and losing the drawing style, but I think there's a way to make it work. But I agree about anime, one area where anime excels at is getting the point across with a limited amount of movement and drawings, so i'm checking out a bunch of those to get ideas. Also I've worked on a few flash based tv shows so I'm trying to incorporate the things I've learned there. I'm pretty excited about the prospects so far. I've always wanted FAUX to move, but the prime importance is telling the story of course. It might actually lessen my work load, by reusing flash builds. Right now drawing and colouring in Photoshop I can get maybe 5 drawings done in a full day. Takes forever!
Barbucci is great. I love his work, he's definately one of my influences. He has a great grasp of anatomy, I'd love to draw hands like him. His art is friggin' solid and well constructed. But I guess the price of that is he doesn't release any new work very often.